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Buddha Teas

Third Eye Chakra Tea - 18 Bags

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ajna, the center of insight and intuition, the third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows, and, sometimes is described as being located behind the eyes, in the middle of the head.

This chakra is the main point of intuition, focus, knowledge, and when attuned, can assist with comprehending the big picture. An imbalance of this chakra may lead to poor decision-making, self-doubt, and self-deception. When not balanced, this chakra will also likely cause sleep disturbances, as it is associated with the pineal gland, where sleep is regulated. If you desire cultivating mystical experiences, it is suggested that working with the third chakra can help take you there. A useful affirmation to concentrate on while meditating with this chakra is: I see.

Supporting herbs:

  • Eyebright Herb, A nutrient-rich flower resembling the orchid eyebright.
  • Spearmint Leaf, This member of the mint family is subtle, yet noticeably delightful.
  • Star Anise Seed, Known to assist with a multitude of health issues, this addition to our blend just makes sense.
  • Passion Flower , Hundreds of years before being introduced to European explorers, passion flower was being utilized as a mild sedative.

Sapphire: Most commonly depicted with the color purple, or blueish purple, the third eye chakra's aura has been seen as translucent, or blueish white. Some have even described this area as having the energy of moonlight.

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